ITSREAL deals with the development, production and marketing of innovative products or services with high technological value XR (AR, VR, and reality mix) with the aim of changing the interaction between the product and people through a new brand conceptualization and through our methodology already validated by the market.
We all know two worlds: reality and our imagination. What if we could merge them together? We would land in a universe in the middle where everything is possible. Diorama is based in Milan (see Motel D) and Paris, but spends most of its time in the metaverse. Offers a solid expertise and a vision, strengthened by a defined artistic direction both for its clients and its own channels. Can offer the unique opportunity to overcome reality and allow you to experience anything you can imagine.

AI Consulting nasce nel 1996 integrando esperienze acquisite nel campo della produzione, commercializzazione e supporto di software tecnico, in particolare nei settori del CAD/CAM, del PDM e dei database relazionali, e della consulenza aziendale. /nL'attività e la focalizzazione della società, rimanendo principalmente orientate alla consulenza informatica e organizzativa, si sono da subito allargate al settore Internet, che oggi rappresenta una porzione significativa del business di AI Consulting, ed alla distribuzione di software./nE' del 1998 l'accordo con la software house inglese PSCS per la commercializzazione in Italia dei prodotti della linea VPOP3, uno dei più venduti mail server in ambiente Windows./nCompletano l'offerta i servizi di hosting e realizzazione di siti web, sia statici che dinamici, lo sviluppo di progetti ed applicazioni web oriented, la consulenza di web marketing ed ottimizzazione dei siti ai fini del posizionamento sui motori di ricerca, i servizi di registrazione di marchi./nAI Consulting (AI-CONSULTING-REG) è un Registrar accreditato del Registro .it, l'organismo responsabile dell'assegnazione dei nomi a dominio e della gestione dei registri e del nameserver primario per il Top Level Domain .IT"}
An innovative digital transformation consultancy specializing in Business Process Engineering, Workflow Automation and Custom Software Development. As expert problem-solvers and agents of digital transformation, we help businesses gain a competitive advantage through the use of business processes, new technologies and digital tools. We focus on delivering solutions based on a combination of low-code and pro-code platforms and frameworks.
Radicalbit Natural Analytics (RNA) is a DataOps Self-Service Platform that blends Stream Processing with Artificial Intelligence/nThe platform allows users to securely manage the end-to-end data lifecycle putting models into production in seconds and facilitating data analysis with less costs, time and efforts./nRNA Key Benefits/nRNA DataOps platform helps you successfully operationalize your analytics:/n• allowing self-service access to data/n• reducing friction and scaling to meet demand/n• orchestrating complex processes/n• minimizing waste and redundancy/n• ensuring fault tolerance and high performance/n• increasing velocity through reuse, testing, monitoring, and automation/n• developing, testing, and deploying real-time analytics solutions applying rigor/n• making it easy to build simple or complex data analytics pipelines
Casaleggio Associati is a strategic network consulting firm for companies. Casaleggio Associati defines the structure, purpose and implementation path of sustainable and profitable business models for the use of the Network, and identifies web marketing and communication strategies through the study of the target audience, social media, the message to convey and the channels to be used.